Salisbury Fire Department

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Auto Extrication Training for SFD - Delmarva Recycling - Boundary Street
Monday, May 3, 2010

The Salisbury Fire Department has been completing auto extrication training all month, for all shifts and stations. Delmarva Recycling, located on Boundary Street in Salisbury, generously donated their facility for us to work out of, as well as the old vehicles for us to use each day. Firefighter/EMT-B David Haines led each shift in practicing new and advanced techniques in patient extrication from severely damaged vehicles, including rollover, vehicles on their roof, and vehicles resting on their side. All crews worked extraordinarily well together, a hallmark of the Salisbury Fire Department, lending help and direction where it was needed, while working expeditiously and with great care, even though there was only a "pretend" patient on board each badly damaged vehicle. The Salisbury Fire Department trains daily, as calls permit, always working and striving to improve our skills and knowledge!

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