Salisbury Fire Department

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House Fire With One Reported Trapped - Evans Place
Thursday, April 18, 2013

At 0640 hrs. Station 16, 1 and 2 alerted for reported house fire with handicap subjects possibly trapped. Upon AC-1 (O’Barsky) arrival, found a 2 story wood frame with smoke showing Side A and established Evans Place Command. Command confirmed all occupants were out of the structure and ok. Command performed 360 to find fire auto exposed through Side D window and Side C door. E-16 arrived, established water supply and positioned Side A/B Corner. Led by Lt. Morris, crews deployed two 1 ¾ attack lines through the A Side door. TW-16 arrived on scene and controlled utilities and placed ground ladders to all sides Division 2. Tk-1 arrived on scene and was directed to the 2nd Division to check for extension. Fire was quickly “knocked” and contained to the kitchen area. Crews remained on scene for overhaul and salvage. Fire under investigation by State FM Office. Units on scene: AC-1 E-16 E-2 TW-16 TK-1 TK-2 DC-2 AU-1 PM-16 PM-1

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