Salisbury Fire Department

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House Fire For B Shift - 29074 Santa Fe Dr.
Saturday, May 18, 2013

At around 2am, stations 16,5 and 2 were alerted for a reported house on fire at 29074 Santa Fe Drive. Engine 161 along with the assistant chief went responding within seconds of each other. AC1 arrived on scene with a single story, single family well off from side A and requested an additional tanker from delmar with the address out of hydrant district. Truck 2 and Engine Tanker 5 both arrived, the ladder crew beginning a search of the residence as well as ventilation and the engine tanker supplying engine 16. The crew from Engine 161 had already pulled the primary line and began knocking the bulk of the fire as the crew from Engine Tanker 5 pulled the second bumper line and advanced it to back them up. Fire was knocked down within 10 minutes from arrival and the fire marshall was requested. PM2 would transport one patient from the scene with smoke inhalation. With this fire, the members of B shift would like to bid farewell to Acting Lt. Cramer who accepted his promotion to lieutenant and will be leaving the shift. Atleast we sent him out with a bang, he got to run the line on his last fire.

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