Salisbury Fire Department

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Salisbury Fire Department presents Elizabeth Day and Jason Lewis "Citizen's Commendation" Award
Tuesday, May 24, 2022

On December 8th, 2021, Elizabeth and Jason saw smoke coming from a house located on the 200 block of Hartford Road. As they approached the house they saw a female occupant entering back into the home. Prior to Salisbury Fire Department’s arrival Elizabeth and Jason entered the house in attempt to remove the occupant. After several attempts to remove the occupant, smoke and fire conditions worsened pushing both Elizabeth and Jason out of the house.
 Deputy Chief Scott was the first to arrive on scene. He was contacted by Elizabeth and Jason and notified there was a female occupant still in the house. Deputy Chief Scott went to the rear of the house and found that the occupant had exited the back door and was safely moved to an EMS unit. Elizabeth and Jason should be commended for their brave actions to save a life. If it was not for their quick recognition and prompt actions, the outcome could have been very different.

 Thank you Elizabeth Day and Jason Lewis!

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